Can you think of a time more bursting with new life than Spring? I can't -- especially this year.
I have several friends who have either just had babies (and by "just" I mean this week) or are imminently expecting the arrival of a little one. I don't see how anyone can look at a newborn without breaking out in worship. Only God can create and sustain life. He is, after all, the Creator and Sustainer of all things. Grab a Bible and flip to Revelation 4:11. I dare you to memorize it and meditate on it over the next week.
Somehow we get the idea that we have a hand in the creation thing. True, there are certain acts that perpetuate God's creation for which we have to be present, but don't think for one moment that one single life gets created apart from God's divine purposes and plans.
I didn't always think that way. When we first started trying to have a family of our own, I thought making babies was the easiest, most guaranteed thing in the world. After a year of trying, we realized... hummm... we're doing everything we're supposed to do, but hummm... no baby.
Infertility is a bear. If you have been through it or are in the midst of it, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It's heartbreaking to want something so badly, following all the steps - tests, timing, trying, testing, tears, treatments, tests, timing, trying, tests, tears, treatments... Depending on God's plan, it can go on and on and on. Then people starts to look at you "that way" and you feel awkward for making them feel awkward. And you want to be so content and so full of faith that it doesn't matter on the timing of when you have a baby or even if you ever have a baby, but your heart hurts so much you ache all over. Yep. I've been there.
I learned many things during our season of infertility. Probably the biggest lesson I learned was that God alone is the Giver of life. We pretty much exhausted what humans have been able to figure out about infertility. Nothing we could do, nothing the doctors could do made a baby for us until God's timing was fulfilled on that one. I am fully convinced that not one single human being is here by accident. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. No... considering the odds of any humans being here at all, there is only one explanation for every baby who is ever born: God, Creator and Sustainer, ordained it. What a blessing we receive when we welcome the lives He creates.
...All the days ordained for me
were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
~Psalm 139:16
I pray you'll take a few minutes to read over Revelation 4 and Psalm 139, and spend a little time worshiping the One Who sent His only Son so that we can celebrate life for all eternity.